Diagrams画直方图————Plot补完计划(一) - TBY's Blog


TBY posted @ 2012年12月11日 21:42 in Haskell with tags Data Visualization Haskell , 3231 阅读



import           Data.Colour
import           Data.Colour.Names
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as GV
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as UV
import           Diagrams.Backend.Cairo.CmdLine
import           Diagrams.Prelude
import           Statistics.Distribution
import           Statistics.Distribution.Normal
import qualified Statistics.Sample.Histogram as H
import           System.Random.MWC
import qualified System.Random.MWC.Distributions as R
import           Text.Printf

histogram nBin c vec =
  let (low,up) = H.range nBin vec
      w = (up - low) / fromIntegral nBin
      v = H.histogram_ nBin low up vec ::  UV.Vector Double
      his = alignBL . hcat . map (safeRect w) . GV.toList $ v -- 直方图
      maxH = UV.maximum v
      factorX = maxH / (ratio * (up - low)) -- ratio,图最后的宽:高的比例
      fontS = maxH / 20 -- 字体大小
  in (yAxis maxH fontS ||| strutX (fontS/2) |||
      (his # scaleX factorX === strutY (fontS/2) ===
       xAxis low up fontS factorX))
     # centerXY
    safeRect w h = if h /= 0 -- 0.6版本rect函数,h==0时会报错
                   then rect w h
                        # alignB
                        # fcA c
                   else hrule w
                        # alignB



unit :: (Ord a,Floating a) => a -> a -> a
unit low up = last $
              takeWhile (\c -> (up - low) / c >= 4.5) $
              takeWhile (<= (up - low)) $
              concatMap (\c ->  map (10^^c *) [1,2,5])  ([-4..]::[Int])
{-# INLINABLE unit #-}

fmtStr low up | up - low >= 5 = "%.0f"
              | up - low >= 0.5 = "%.1f"
              | up - low >= 0.25 = "%.2f"
              | up - low >= 0.125 = "%.3f"
              | otherwise = error "too small interval"


histogram' nBin (vec,c) (d,c') = -- d : Statistics.Distribution中的Distribution
  let (low,up) = H.range nBin vec
      w = (up - low) / fromIntegral nBin
      v = H.histogram_ nBin low up vec ::  UV.Vector Double
      n = fromIntegral $ GV.length vec
      his = alignBL . hcat . map (safeRect w) . GV.toList $ v
      ls = [low,low+w/2..up]
      maxH = UV.maximum v
      factorX = maxH / (ratio * (up - low))
      fontS = maxH / 20
      vs = fromVertices $ map p2 $ zip ls $ map ((f *) . (density d)) ls
      f = w * n / (cumulative d up - cumulative d low) -- 总面积 / cdf跨过的面积
      funP = vs # stroke # lw (fontS/10) # lcA c' # moveOriginTo (p2 (low,f*(density d low))) -- 与直方图的原点对齐
  in (yAxis maxH fontS ||| strutX (fontS/2) |||
      ((funP <> his) # scaleX factorX === strutY (fontS/2) ===
       xAxis low up fontS factorX))
     # centerXY
    safeRect w h = if h /= 0
                   then rect w h
                        # alignB
                        # fcA c
                   else hrule w
                        # alignB



{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}
-- |
-- Module : 一些柱状图相关便利函数
-- Copyright : (c) 2012 Boyun Tang
-- License : BSD-style
-- Maintainer : tangboyun@hotmail.com
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : ghc
module Main where

import           Data.Colour
import           Data.Colour.Names
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as GV
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as UV
import           Diagrams.Backend.Cairo.CmdLine
import           Diagrams.Prelude
import           Statistics.Distribution
import           Statistics.Distribution.Normal
import qualified Statistics.Sample.Histogram as H
import           System.Random.MWC
import qualified System.Random.MWC.Distributions as R
import           Text.Printf

ratio = (sqrt 5 - 1) / 2

histogram' nBin (vec,c) (d,c') =
  let (low,up) = H.range nBin vec
      w = (up - low) / fromIntegral nBin
      v = H.histogram_ nBin low up vec ::  UV.Vector Double
      n = fromIntegral $ GV.length vec
      his = alignBL . hcat . map (safeRect w) . GV.toList $ v
      ls = [low,low+w/2..up]
      maxH = UV.maximum v
      factorX = maxH / (ratio * (up - low))
      fontS = maxH / 20
      vs = fromVertices $ map p2 $ zip ls $ map ((f *) . (density d)) ls
      f = w * n / (cumulative d up - cumulative d low)
      funP = vs # stroke # lw (fontS/10) # lcA c' # moveOriginTo (p2 (low,f*(density d low)))
  in (yAxis maxH fontS ||| strutX (fontS/2) |||
      ((funP <> his) # scaleX factorX === strutY (fontS/2) ===
       xAxis low up fontS factorX))
     # centerXY
    safeRect w h = if h /= 0
                   then rect w h
                        # alignB
                        # fcA c
                   else hrule w
                        # alignB

histogram nBin c vec =
  let (low,up) = H.range nBin vec
      w = (up - low) / fromIntegral nBin
      v = H.histogram_ nBin low up vec ::  UV.Vector Double
      his = alignBL . hcat . map (safeRect w) . GV.toList $ v -- 直方图
      maxH = UV.maximum v
      factorX = maxH / (ratio * (up - low)) -- ratio,图最后的宽:高的比例
      fontS = maxH / 20 -- 字体大小
  in (yAxis maxH fontS ||| strutX (fontS/2) |||
      (his # scaleX factorX === strutY (fontS/2) ===
       xAxis low up fontS factorX))
     # centerXY
    safeRect w h = if h /= 0 -- 0.6版本rect函数,h==0时会报错
                   then rect w h
                        # alignB
                        # fcA c
                   else hrule w
                        # alignB

xAxis low up fSize factorX =
  let ls = takeWhile (<= len) [beginAt,beginAt + step..]
      beg = fromIntegral $ (ceiling low :: Int)
      ls' = take (length ls) [beg,beg+step..]
      len = up - low
      step = unit low up
      beginAt = beg - low 
      fmt = fmtStr beginAt (last ls) 
      ticks = map (\l ->
                    alignT $
                    (vrule (fSize/3) # lw (fSize/20) === strutY (fSize/2) ===
                     text' fSize (printf fmt l))
                  ) ls' 
      vs = map p2 $ zip (map (* factorX) ls) (repeat 0)
  in (hrule len # lw (fSize / 10) # alignL) # scaleX factorX <>
     position (zip vs ticks)

yAxis maxH fSize =
  let step = unit 0 maxH
      ls = takeWhile (<= maxH) [step,step+step..]
      fmt = fmtStr step (last ls)
      vs = map p2 $ zip (repeat 0) ls
      ticks = map (\l ->
                    alignR $
                    (text' fSize (printf fmt l) ||| strutX (fSize/2) |||
                     hrule (fSize/3) # lw (fSize/20))
                  ) ls
  in vrule maxH # lw (fSize / 10) # alignB <>
     position (zip vs ticks)
text' h t = text t # fontSize h <> rect (fromIntegral (length t) * 0.6 * h) h # lcA transparent

unit :: (Ord a,Floating a) => a -> a -> a
unit low up = last $
              takeWhile (\c -> (up - low) / c >= 4.5) $
              takeWhile (<= (up - low)) $
              concatMap (\c ->  map (10^^c *) [1,2,5])  ([-4..]::[Int])
{-# INLINABLE unit #-}

fmtStr low up | up - low >= 5 = "%.0f"
              | up - low >= 0.5 = "%.1f"
              | up - low >= 0.25 = "%.2f"
              | up - low >= 0.125 = "%.3f"
              | otherwise = error "too small interval"

main = do
  gen <- create
  randVec <- UV.replicateM 100000 (R.standard gen)
  defaultMain $ do
    histogram' 100 (randVec,blue `withOpacity` 0.8) (normalFromSample randVec, green `withOpacity` 0.8)

后记:Statistics.Sample.Histogram中的两个histogram函数接口不是很好用,如果只画一层直方图无疑是足够的,但是统计绘图里有时候需要绘制2层直方图(比如实际数据一层、permutation test产生的一层,再加上个经验贝叶斯估计的函数,如下图),它的接口两套数据无法共用一个bin。。。还不如自己写。。。Diagrams目前最大的软肋还是字体处理,这点上估计是没希望超越LaTeX+pgfplots的,下图的其他效果都容易做到,唯独数学字体。。。。。

依云 说:
2012年12月11日 22:47

这东西 ArchHaskell 源里没有啊 :-(

TBY 说:
2012年12月11日 23:02


依云 说:
2012年12月11日 23:17

@TBY: 项目主页我能找到。关键是 Haskell 的依赖太烦了,一个库更新 break 掉 N 多个,甚至还出现循环依赖。所以我现在都不自己打包了,源里没有就算了。

哦还有,我本地的文档好像也坏掉了,更新时出错,可能缺一些库的文档 :-(

TBY 说:
2012年12月11日 23:41

确实,这个库我是直接github上拉下来的0.6版,hackage上0.5版本(0.6版本这个月据说会release)ghc7.6 build会挂在transformer这的。文档默认的~/.cabal/config里documentation是关着的,可以check下。

arch源里的,除了gtk那系列的,其他我基本还是自己cabal装的。haskell的cabal依赖我已经被无数次恶心过了。现在已经可以立马面无表情的随便 rm -rf ~/.ghc了。。。

当然吃得消的话可以每个小文件都写个.cabal然后cabal-dev install。

依云 说:
2012年12月11日 23:47

@TBY: 好吧……ccache 对 cabal 的编译有效不?cabal 的文件存放路径可配置不?

TBY 说:
2012年12月11日 23:56

@依云: 木有做过这方面的尝试,因为我经常需要找个接口偷懒。。。

TBY 说:
2012年12月12日 16:50

diagrams 0.6版今天release了,http://hackage.haskell.org/package/diagrams-0.6

依云 说:
2012年12月12日 18:50

@TBY: 然后一朋友告诉我他的程序找不到 ....Cairo.Cmdline 模块了……

TBY 说:
2012年12月13日 13:44

@依云: 很好……cairo那个包接口是有变动,好像是要把对gtk的依赖移除。

Himachal Pradesh 11t 说:
2022年8月25日 18:03

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