TBY's Blog
问题如下,有 [tex]n \times m [/tex]Matrix, where [tex] n > 10^4 [/tex] , [tex] m[/tex] ~ [tex]100[/tex],以Row-major order 存储于内存中,需要求 相关矩阵 [tex]M_{cor}[/tex]。由于相关矩阵是对称的,所以只需要求上半个矩阵,共 [tex]p = \frac{(n-1)n}{2}[/tex]次相关系数求解。求解计算本身很简单无外乎:
for(int i=0;i<r;i++) for(int j=i+1;j<r;j++) { double r = correlation(row(i),row(j)); }
(0,1),(0,2),(0,3) ... (1,2),(1,3) ... (2,3),(2,4) ...
// thread 1 : for (int idx = 0; idx < (n-1)*n/2; idx=idx+4) { (i,j) = calc(idx); double r1 = correlation(row(i),row(j)); } // thread 2 : for (int idx = 1; idx < (n-1)*n/2; idx=idx+4) { (i,j) = calc(idx); double r2 = correlation(row(i),row(j)); } // thread 3 : for (int idx = 2; idx < (n-1)*n/2; idx=idx+4) { (i,j) = calc(idx); double r3 = correlation(row(i),row(j)); } // thread 4 : for (int idx = 3; idx < (n-1)*n/2; idx=idx+4) { (i,j) = calc(p); double r4 = correlation(row(i),row(j)); }
好了,所以重点在于如何以并不高的代价解出那个calc函数。想了一下,直接要 idx -> (i,j) 不太容易,先反过来如何从(i,j) -> idx,草稿纸推了下(我小学数学老师要哭了,推了蛮长时间),idx满足以下等式:
#include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int n = 10; int i,j; int idx = 0; for(i=0;i<n;i++) for(j=i+1;j<n;j++) { int p = (n*(n-1) - (n-1-i)*(n-i))/2 + j - i - 1; int q = (2 * i * n - i * i - 3 * i + 2 * j - 2) / 2; printf("%d %d %d\n",p,q,idx); ++idx; } return 0; }
testIdx :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool testIdx i j idx = (2*i*n-i*i-3*i+2*j-2) == idx * 2
f1 :: Int -> Int -> (Int,Int) f1 n idx = head [(i,j) | i <- [0..n-2], j <- [i+1..n-1], testIdx i j idx]
f2 :: Int -> Int -> (Int,Int) f2 n idx = -- quot开销比div更小, Haskell中的div比quot多额外的检查项,这里都是正整数运算无此必要 let i = getI idx j = getJ i idx in (i,j) where getJ :: Int -> Int -> Int getJ i p = (2*p+i*i+3*i-2*i*n+2) `quot` 2 getI :: Int -> Int getI ix = length (takeWhile (<= ix) ps0) - 1 ps0 :: [Int] -- 上对角元素对应的idx值 ps0 = map (\i -> (2*i*n-i*i-i) `quot` 2) [0..n-2]
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as UV getVec :: Int -> UV.Vector Int getVec n = UV.generate n (\i -> (2*i*n-i*i-i) `quot` 2) f3 :: UV.Vector Int -> Int -> (Int,Int) f3 vec idx = let i = getI j = getJ i in (i,j) where n = UV.length vec getJ i = (2*idx+i*i+3*i-2*i*n+2) `quot` 2 getI = go 0 where go acc | acc == n - 1 = acc | otherwise = if UV.unsafeIndex vec (acc+1) > idx then acc else go (acc+1)
import Criterion.Main import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as UV f1 :: Int -> Bool f1 n = let l = (n * (n-1)) `quot` 2 ls = [0..l-1] in and $ zipWith (==) ls $ map (\p -> head [getP i j | i <- [0..n-2],j <- [i+1..n-1],testP i j p]) ls where testP :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool testP i j p = (2*i*n-i*i-3*i+2*j-2) == p * 2 getP :: Int -> Int -> Int getP i j = (2*i*n-i*i-3*i+2*j-2) `quot` 2 f2 :: Int -> Bool f2 n = let l = (n * (n-1)) `quot` 2 ls = [0..l-1] in and $ zipWith (\a b -> a == b) ls $ map (\p -> let i = (length $ takeWhile (<= p) ps0) - 1 j = getJ i p in getP i j) ls where getP :: Int -> Int -> Int getP i j = (2*i*n-i*i-3*i+2*j-2) `quot` 2 getJ :: Int -> Int -> Int getJ i p = (2*p+i*i+3*i-2*i*n+2) `quot` 2 ps0 :: [Int] ps0 = map (\i -> (2*i*n-i*i-i) `quot` 2) [0..n-2] f3 :: UV.Vector Int -> Int -> Bool f3 vec n = let l = (n * (n-1)) `quot` 2 ls = [0..l-1] in and $ zipWith (==) ls $ map (\p -> let i = getIdx p j = getJ i p in getP i j) ls where getP i j = (2*i*n-i*i-3*i+2*j-2) `quot` 2 getJ i p = (2*p+i*i+3*i-2*i*n+2) `quot` 2 getIdx p = go 0 where go acc | acc == n - 1 = acc | otherwise = if UV.unsafeIndex vec (acc+1) > p then acc else go (acc+1) main = do let vec = getVec 100 print $ f1 100 print $ f2 100 print $ f3 vec 100 defaultMain [bench "f1 100" $ nf f1 100 ,bench "f2 100" $ nf f2 100 ,bench "f3 100" $ nf (f3 vec) 100 ,bench "f3 1000" $ nf (f3 (getVec 1000)) 1000]
$ ghc --make -O2 -fllvm -optl-O3 benchmark.hs $ ./benchmark True True True warming up estimating clock resolution... mean is 1.296372 us (640001 iterations) found 3334 outliers among 639999 samples (0.5%) 3075 (0.5%) high severe estimating cost of a clock call... mean is 35.00575 ns (12 iterations) benchmarking f1 100 mean: 13.92723 ms, lb 13.88566 ms, ub 13.96976 ms, ci 0.950 std dev: 215.6054 us, lb 190.5129 us, ub 246.8802 us, ci 0.950 variance introduced by outliers: 8.472% variance is slightly inflated by outliers benchmarking f2 100 mean: 2.810448 ms, lb 2.801007 ms, ub 2.821439 ms, ci 0.950 std dev: 52.27388 us, lb 43.98545 us, ub 65.98971 us, ci 0.950 found 3 outliers among 100 samples (3.0%) 3 (3.0%) high mild variance introduced by outliers: 11.350% variance is moderately inflated by outliers benchmarking f3 100 mean: 173.9339 us, lb 173.4058 us, ub 174.5147 us, ci 0.950 std dev: 2.829666 us, lb 2.432605 us, ub 3.579531 us, ci 0.950 found 2 outliers among 100 samples (2.0%) 2 (2.0%) high mild variance introduced by outliers: 9.410% variance is slightly inflated by outliers benchmarking f3 1000 mean: 17.29405 ms, lb 17.26062 ms, ub 17.33314 ms, ci 0.950 std dev: 185.0009 us, lb 157.9185 us, ub 221.9862 us, ci 0.950
import Data.Colour import Data.Colour.Names import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as GV import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as UV import Diagrams.Backend.Cairo.CmdLine import Diagrams.Prelude import Statistics.Distribution import Statistics.Distribution.Normal import qualified Statistics.Sample.Histogram as H import System.Random.MWC import qualified System.Random.MWC.Distributions as R import Text.Printf histogram nBin c vec = let (low,up) = H.range nBin vec w = (up - low) / fromIntegral nBin v = H.histogram_ nBin low up vec :: UV.Vector Double his = alignBL . hcat . map (safeRect w) . GV.toList $ v -- 直方图 maxH = UV.maximum v factorX = maxH / (ratio * (up - low)) -- ratio,图最后的宽:高的比例 fontS = maxH / 20 -- 字体大小 in (yAxis maxH fontS ||| strutX (fontS/2) ||| (his # scaleX factorX === strutY (fontS/2) === xAxis low up fontS factorX)) # centerXY where safeRect w h = if h /= 0 -- 0.6版本rect函数,h==0时会报错 then rect w h # alignB # fcA c else hrule w # alignB
unit :: (Ord a,Floating a) => a -> a -> a unit low up = last $ takeWhile (\c -> (up - low) / c >= 4.5) $ takeWhile (<= (up - low)) $ concatMap (\c -> map (10^^c *) [1,2,5]) ([-4..]::[Int]) {-# INLINABLE unit #-} fmtStr low up | up - low >= 5 = "%.0f" | up - low >= 0.5 = "%.1f" | up - low >= 0.25 = "%.2f" | up - low >= 0.125 = "%.3f" | otherwise = error "too small interval"
histogram' nBin (vec,c) (d,c') = -- d : Statistics.Distribution中的Distribution let (low,up) = H.range nBin vec w = (up - low) / fromIntegral nBin v = H.histogram_ nBin low up vec :: UV.Vector Double n = fromIntegral $ GV.length vec his = alignBL . hcat . map (safeRect w) . GV.toList $ v ls = [low,low+w/2..up] maxH = UV.maximum v factorX = maxH / (ratio * (up - low)) fontS = maxH / 20 vs = fromVertices $ map p2 $ zip ls $ map ((f *) . (density d)) ls f = w * n / (cumulative d up - cumulative d low) -- 总面积 / cdf跨过的面积 funP = vs # stroke # lw (fontS/10) # lcA c' # moveOriginTo (p2 (low,f*(density d low))) -- 与直方图的原点对齐 in (yAxis maxH fontS ||| strutX (fontS/2) ||| ((funP <> his) # scaleX factorX === strutY (fontS/2) === xAxis low up fontS factorX)) # centerXY where safeRect w h = if h /= 0 then rect w h # alignB # fcA c else hrule w # alignB
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : 一些柱状图相关便利函数 -- Copyright : (c) 2012 Boyun Tang -- License : BSD-style -- Maintainer : tangboyun@hotmail.com -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : ghc -- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Main where import Data.Colour import Data.Colour.Names import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as GV import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as UV import Diagrams.Backend.Cairo.CmdLine import Diagrams.Prelude import Statistics.Distribution import Statistics.Distribution.Normal import qualified Statistics.Sample.Histogram as H import System.Random.MWC import qualified System.Random.MWC.Distributions as R import Text.Printf ratio = (sqrt 5 - 1) / 2 histogram' nBin (vec,c) (d,c') = let (low,up) = H.range nBin vec w = (up - low) / fromIntegral nBin v = H.histogram_ nBin low up vec :: UV.Vector Double n = fromIntegral $ GV.length vec his = alignBL . hcat . map (safeRect w) . GV.toList $ v ls = [low,low+w/2..up] maxH = UV.maximum v factorX = maxH / (ratio * (up - low)) fontS = maxH / 20 vs = fromVertices $ map p2 $ zip ls $ map ((f *) . (density d)) ls f = w * n / (cumulative d up - cumulative d low) funP = vs # stroke # lw (fontS/10) # lcA c' # moveOriginTo (p2 (low,f*(density d low))) in (yAxis maxH fontS ||| strutX (fontS/2) ||| ((funP <> his) # scaleX factorX === strutY (fontS/2) === xAxis low up fontS factorX)) # centerXY where safeRect w h = if h /= 0 then rect w h # alignB # fcA c else hrule w # alignB histogram nBin c vec = let (low,up) = H.range nBin vec w = (up - low) / fromIntegral nBin v = H.histogram_ nBin low up vec :: UV.Vector Double his = alignBL . hcat . map (safeRect w) . GV.toList $ v -- 直方图 maxH = UV.maximum v factorX = maxH / (ratio * (up - low)) -- ratio,图最后的宽:高的比例 fontS = maxH / 20 -- 字体大小 in (yAxis maxH fontS ||| strutX (fontS/2) ||| (his # scaleX factorX === strutY (fontS/2) === xAxis low up fontS factorX)) # centerXY where safeRect w h = if h /= 0 -- 0.6版本rect函数,h==0时会报错 then rect w h # alignB # fcA c else hrule w # alignB xAxis low up fSize factorX = let ls = takeWhile (<= len) [beginAt,beginAt + step..] beg = fromIntegral $ (ceiling low :: Int) ls' = take (length ls) [beg,beg+step..] len = up - low step = unit low up beginAt = beg - low fmt = fmtStr beginAt (last ls) ticks = map (\l -> alignT $ (vrule (fSize/3) # lw (fSize/20) === strutY (fSize/2) === text' fSize (printf fmt l)) ) ls' vs = map p2 $ zip (map (* factorX) ls) (repeat 0) in (hrule len # lw (fSize / 10) # alignL) # scaleX factorX <> position (zip vs ticks) yAxis maxH fSize = let step = unit 0 maxH ls = takeWhile (<= maxH) [step,step+step..] fmt = fmtStr step (last ls) vs = map p2 $ zip (repeat 0) ls ticks = map (\l -> alignR $ (text' fSize (printf fmt l) ||| strutX (fSize/2) ||| hrule (fSize/3) # lw (fSize/20)) ) ls in vrule maxH # lw (fSize / 10) # alignB <> position (zip vs ticks) text' h t = text t # fontSize h <> rect (fromIntegral (length t) * 0.6 * h) h # lcA transparent unit :: (Ord a,Floating a) => a -> a -> a unit low up = last $ takeWhile (\c -> (up - low) / c >= 4.5) $ takeWhile (<= (up - low)) $ concatMap (\c -> map (10^^c *) [1,2,5]) ([-4..]::[Int]) {-# INLINABLE unit #-} fmtStr low up | up - low >= 5 = "%.0f" | up - low >= 0.5 = "%.1f" | up - low >= 0.25 = "%.2f" | up - low >= 0.125 = "%.3f" | otherwise = error "too small interval" main = do gen <- create randVec <- UV.replicateM 100000 (R.standard gen) defaultMain $ do histogram' 100 (randVec,blue `withOpacity` 0.8) (normalFromSample randVec, green `withOpacity` 0.8)
后记:Statistics.Sample.Histogram中的两个histogram函数接口不是很好用,如果只画一层直方图无疑是足够的,但是统计绘图里有时候需要绘制2层直方图(比如实际数据一层、permutation test产生的一层,再加上个经验贝叶斯估计的函数,如下图),它的接口两套数据无法共用一个bin。。。还不如自己写。。。Diagrams目前最大的软肋还是字体处理,这点上估计是没希望超越LaTeX+pgfplots的,下图的其他效果都容易做到,唯独数学字体。。。。。
尝试过各类数值软件、LaTex的tikz和pgfplots包等。高级的绘图API无疑用起来很方便,但相应的可定制性就较差。tikz和pgfplots是我之前最喜欢用的,不过坏在LaTeX不是个好用的数值软件。之前用Haskell的StringTemplate包写过一个绘制约3w多个点的tex文件,这时候直接用LaTeX编译会爆内存的(LuaLaTeX OK)。用tikz和pgfplots之类的宏包,最强的地方在于完美的数学字体,这方面我仍未发现不通过调用LaTeX能达到相应效果的库。传统的cairo无疑是个很棒的矢量图库,不过太底层,无法想象用裸API能够快速开发。
- 图是“拼”出来的,而不是传统的一笔一划“画”出来的。
- 后端很丰富,可以导出位图(bmp、png)、矢量(svg、ps、pdf)和tex文件(tikz后端)。
- 表现力很强,语言(DSL)本身很抽象,API设计的也很合理。
- diagrams-core令人惊讶地简洁。
- Seed Match的类型(miRNA 5'端的第2~7号碱基与靶的互补情况, 1 based)
- 3’端特定位置的氢键数量
- Seed序列周围的A或U碱基含量百分比
- 靶点的结合区在基因3'UTR区的相对位置。
- 一个比较promising的预测位点应该在不同物种中趋向于保守。
-- | 黑白字母 char ch = text [ch] <> rect w h # lcA transparent -- | 彩色字母 charC c ch = text [ch] # fc c <> rect w h # lcA transparent -- | 下面是相应的字串 string = hcat . map char stringC c = hcat . map (charC c)
Most Mammalian mRNAs Are Conserved Targets of MicroRNAs
Robin C Friedman, Kyle Kai-How Farh, Christopher B Burge, David P Bartel. Genome Research, 19:92-105 (2009).
module Main where import System.Environment import Codec.Picture main = fmap head getArgs >>= readPng >>= writePng "out.png" . (\(Right (ImageRGBA8 im)) -> pixelMap (\(PixelRGBA8 r g b al) -> let a = (fromIntegral r) + (fromIntegral g) + (fromIntegral b) :: Int alpha = if a > ( 3 * 245) then 0 else if a > (3*200) then round $ (fromIntegral (a - (3*200)) / fromIntegral ((3*255)::Int)) * 255 else al in PixelRGBA8 r g b alpha) im)