相关矩阵的求解的一些优化心得 - TBY's Blog
问题如下,有 [tex]n \times m [/tex]Matrix, where [tex] n > 10^4 [/tex] , [tex] m[/tex] ~ [tex]100[/tex],以Row-major order 存储于内存中,需要求 相关矩阵 [tex]M_{cor}[/tex]。由于相关矩阵是对称的,所以只需要求上半个矩阵,共 [tex]p = \frac{(n-1)n}{2}[/tex]次相关系数求解。求解计算本身很简单无外乎:
for(int i=0;i<r;i++) for(int j=i+1;j<r;j++) { double r = correlation(row(i),row(j)); }
现在想并发该计算,考虑cache locality,最理想的并发方式无疑是顺序产生如下[(i,j)序列:
(0,1),(0,2),(0,3) ... (1,2),(1,3) ... (2,3),(2,4) ...
// thread 1 : for (int idx = 0; idx < (n-1)*n/2; idx=idx+4) { (i,j) = calc(idx); double r1 = correlation(row(i),row(j)); } // thread 2 : for (int idx = 1; idx < (n-1)*n/2; idx=idx+4) { (i,j) = calc(idx); double r2 = correlation(row(i),row(j)); } // thread 3 : for (int idx = 2; idx < (n-1)*n/2; idx=idx+4) { (i,j) = calc(idx); double r3 = correlation(row(i),row(j)); } // thread 4 : for (int idx = 3; idx < (n-1)*n/2; idx=idx+4) { (i,j) = calc(p); double r4 = correlation(row(i),row(j)); }
好了,所以重点在于如何以并不高的代价解出那个calc函数。想了一下,直接要 idx -> (i,j) 不太容易,先反过来如何从(i,j) -> idx,草稿纸推了下(我小学数学老师要哭了,推了蛮长时间),idx满足以下等式:
[tex] idx = \frac{n\times(n-1)-(n-i-1)\times(n-i)}{2}+j-i-1=\frac{2\times i\times n-i^2-3i+2j-2}{2} [/tex]
#include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int n = 10; int i,j; int idx = 0; for(i=0;i<n;i++) for(j=i+1;j<n;j++) { int p = (n*(n-1) - (n-1-i)*(n-i))/2 + j - i - 1; int q = (2 * i * n - i * i - 3 * i + 2 * j - 2) / 2; printf("%d %d %d\n",p,q,idx); ++idx; } return 0; }
[tex]idx = \frac{2\times i\times n - i^2 -3i +2j-2}{2}[/tex],subject to :
[tex]0 \le i < n, i < j < n, 0 \le idx < \frac{(n-1)n}{2}[/tex],其中i,j,n,idx皆为整数。
testIdx :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool testIdx i j idx = (2*i*n-i*i-3*i+2*j-2) == idx * 2
f1 :: Int -> Int -> (Int,Int) f1 n idx = head [(i,j) | i <- [0..n-2], j <- [i+1..n-1], testIdx i j idx]
当然,这是个很笨的办法,当 n > 1000时已经很慢了。进一步优化需要利用那些约束,由于(i,j)都属于上三角阵的元素,所以很自然的想法就是去 缓存 那些 边界条件 (其实求解整形规划问题也就是这路子),在这里就是对角线上那一排(i,j)对应的idx值。这个比较容易,因为那些点还有个隐含关系:[tex]j = i + 1[/tex]。
f2 :: Int -> Int -> (Int,Int) f2 n idx = -- quot开销比div更小, Haskell中的div比quot多额外的检查项,这里都是正整数运算无此必要 let i = getI idx j = getJ i idx in (i,j) where getJ :: Int -> Int -> Int getJ i p = (2*p+i*i+3*i-2*i*n+2) `quot` 2 getI :: Int -> Int getI ix = length (takeWhile (<= ix) ps0) - 1 ps0 :: [Int] -- 上对角元素对应的idx值 ps0 = map (\i -> (2*i*n-i*i-i) `quot` 2) [0..n-2]
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as UV getVec :: Int -> UV.Vector Int getVec n = UV.generate n (\i -> (2*i*n-i*i-i) `quot` 2) f3 :: UV.Vector Int -> Int -> (Int,Int) f3 vec idx = let i = getI j = getJ i in (i,j) where n = UV.length vec getJ i = (2*idx+i*i+3*i-2*i*n+2) `quot` 2 getI = go 0 where go acc | acc == n - 1 = acc | otherwise = if UV.unsafeIndex vec (acc+1) > idx then acc else go (acc+1)
import Criterion.Main import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as UV f1 :: Int -> Bool f1 n = let l = (n * (n-1)) `quot` 2 ls = [0..l-1] in and $ zipWith (==) ls $ map (\p -> head [getP i j | i <- [0..n-2],j <- [i+1..n-1],testP i j p]) ls where testP :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool testP i j p = (2*i*n-i*i-3*i+2*j-2) == p * 2 getP :: Int -> Int -> Int getP i j = (2*i*n-i*i-3*i+2*j-2) `quot` 2 f2 :: Int -> Bool f2 n = let l = (n * (n-1)) `quot` 2 ls = [0..l-1] in and $ zipWith (\a b -> a == b) ls $ map (\p -> let i = (length $ takeWhile (<= p) ps0) - 1 j = getJ i p in getP i j) ls where getP :: Int -> Int -> Int getP i j = (2*i*n-i*i-3*i+2*j-2) `quot` 2 getJ :: Int -> Int -> Int getJ i p = (2*p+i*i+3*i-2*i*n+2) `quot` 2 ps0 :: [Int] ps0 = map (\i -> (2*i*n-i*i-i) `quot` 2) [0..n-2] f3 :: UV.Vector Int -> Int -> Bool f3 vec n = let l = (n * (n-1)) `quot` 2 ls = [0..l-1] in and $ zipWith (==) ls $ map (\p -> let i = getIdx p j = getJ i p in getP i j) ls where getP i j = (2*i*n-i*i-3*i+2*j-2) `quot` 2 getJ i p = (2*p+i*i+3*i-2*i*n+2) `quot` 2 getIdx p = go 0 where go acc | acc == n - 1 = acc | otherwise = if UV.unsafeIndex vec (acc+1) > p then acc else go (acc+1) main = do let vec = getVec 100 print $ f1 100 print $ f2 100 print $ f3 vec 100 defaultMain [bench "f1 100" $ nf f1 100 ,bench "f2 100" $ nf f2 100 ,bench "f3 100" $ nf (f3 vec) 100 ,bench "f3 1000" $ nf (f3 (getVec 1000)) 1000]
$ ghc --make -O2 -fllvm -optl-O3 benchmark.hs $ ./benchmark True True True warming up estimating clock resolution... mean is 1.296372 us (640001 iterations) found 3334 outliers among 639999 samples (0.5%) 3075 (0.5%) high severe estimating cost of a clock call... mean is 35.00575 ns (12 iterations) benchmarking f1 100 mean: 13.92723 ms, lb 13.88566 ms, ub 13.96976 ms, ci 0.950 std dev: 215.6054 us, lb 190.5129 us, ub 246.8802 us, ci 0.950 variance introduced by outliers: 8.472% variance is slightly inflated by outliers benchmarking f2 100 mean: 2.810448 ms, lb 2.801007 ms, ub 2.821439 ms, ci 0.950 std dev: 52.27388 us, lb 43.98545 us, ub 65.98971 us, ci 0.950 found 3 outliers among 100 samples (3.0%) 3 (3.0%) high mild variance introduced by outliers: 11.350% variance is moderately inflated by outliers benchmarking f3 100 mean: 173.9339 us, lb 173.4058 us, ub 174.5147 us, ci 0.950 std dev: 2.829666 us, lb 2.432605 us, ub 3.579531 us, ci 0.950 found 2 outliers among 100 samples (2.0%) 2 (2.0%) high mild variance introduced by outliers: 9.410% variance is slightly inflated by outliers benchmarking f3 1000 mean: 17.29405 ms, lb 17.26062 ms, ub 17.33314 ms, ci 0.950 std dev: 185.0009 us, lb 157.9185 us, ub 221.9862 us, ci 0.950
2022年8月10日 02:29
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UP Board 12th Question Paper 2023, The Board of Higher Education Uttar Pradesh UPMSP, conducts the final Matriculation examination every year. UP Board 12th Question Paper 2023 This year too, Uttar-Pradesh Higher Secondary School Certificate public Examination 2023 will be performed during March and April 2023.